Limiting your horse’s turnout is unnecessary when the temperature drops. Your equine friend is adequately equipped to handle cold weather. With sustenance and shelter, they can thrive in very low temperatures. Keeping horses indoors for long can cause health problems. For instance, horses can get respiratory issues like heaves due to insufficient stall ventilation. Also, inactivity may slow intestinal function, thus increasing the risk of colic. When horses get little or no exercise, the chances of getting other conditions like orthopedic and arthritis may increase. During winter, your horse will benefit more from staying outdoors for as many hours as you can be able to. You can benefit from winter turnout and keep your horse healthy and safe by providing a few more resources than you would during other seasons. Selecting suitable saddle pads for horses is crucial in maximizing your horse’s winter turnout, ensuring comfort and protection in colder weather. Here’s how to optimize your horse’s winter turnout.
Wisely Blanket
You can keep the horses dry and warm with equine outwear while turned out. Consider a waterproof turnout blanket during average winter temperatures, which protects the horse without making him overheated. There are numerous blanket styles and materials, making it less challenging to find the perfect match for each specific environment and horse. However, turnout blankets require extra attention on your part. A gaping hole or a sagging strap can cause injury, so it’s essential to check your horses daily to ensure their blankets are in good repair. It is also important to check under the blankets to ensure lice and rain rot doesn’t flourish. Pressure and rubbing sores on the withers and shoulders of a horse can also make movement painful. To wisely blanket your horse during winter turnout, choosing the right horse pad is essential for providing added warmth and comfort.
Providing Shelter
You don’t need to keep horses indoors during winter, but protecting them from elements like precipitation and wind that weaken the winter coat’s insulation is essential. Shelter need not to be complicated: A stand of evergreen trees or a single wall in mild climates might be all that a horse needs to block prevalent winds. If sleet or rain is prevalent in your area in winter, you’ll need to provide a shelter with a roof. If heavy snow is common in your area, ensure your shed is strong enough to endure an accumulation. Providing shelter during winter turnout is made even more effective with a waterproof horse sheet, ensuring your horse stays dry and protected in extreme weather.
Keeping The Water Flowing
Dehydration during winter can increase the risk of colic for a horse. However, when horses are turned out in freezing weather, drinking water, even if it’s available to them, can be difficult. Automatic pastures can keep the water flowing even in cold temperatures, requiring little attention to ensure they operate effectively. If you have traditional tanks, installing water heaters can keep the water warm before the temperature drops. During turn-out time, water must be available in the buckets, even at night.
Bottom Line
Investing in quality horse turnout sheet and pads ensures that your equine friend stays warm and comfortable during winter. Maximize your horse’s winter turnout experience, providing them with the protection they need for a happy and healthy season outdoors.